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  1. R

    Email problems with NVR

    Well, I think I'm going to pospone it all till 2020. Thanks for the effort, see you on the nother side of New years eve. Have a good one!
  2. R

    Email problems with NVR

    No success with the 'DNS=gateway" option. Options getting lesser......
  3. R

    Email problems with NVR

    Changed DNS 1 into on the GUI Tried with SSL enabled on port 587 and on 465 No success Then tried with SSL enabled on port 587 and on 465 No success Finaly changed DNS 2 into also. No success.......
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    Email problems with NVR

    I'm using the default DNS from my provider (Ziggo). See attached file for more information. Is an image of my GUI.
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    Email problems with NVR

    So...... I've upgraded the firmware to SW- 3.0.22. So far, so good. The issue with email still exists. I have filtered the problem to: On my @GMAIL.COM account the NVR only allows SSL for email decoding. GMAIL requires SSL on port 465. On my web interface (iVMS 4200) the settings won't work...
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    Email problems with NVR

    Thanks, I already have a monitor connected to the NVR. But even in this case the message is being displayed. I will first try to update the firnware, and take it up from there.
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    Email problems with NVR

    But on port 465 or 587 SSL won't work. It keeps saying the settings are incorrect.
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    Email problems with NVR

    Hi, indeed. I'm using
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    Email problems with NVR

    Hi, I would like to know more about this solution. I don't understand the DNS issue. Or do you mean you were not able to solve the probem?
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    Email problems with NVR

    Thanks for you reply, but this method doesn't seem to work for me. I tried (twice) to generate an APP-password and entered it in the email settings. Both passwords failed, the device keeps mentioning to check parameters and email settings. The problem might be firmware-related?
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    Email problems with NVR

    Hi everyone, I'm using the NVR: Hikvision DS-7604NI-SE/P Firmware SW- V3.0.15_150528 I'm having troubles with the configuration of email alerts. It seems the use of my gmail account is being refused. Setting the right parameters, such as SSL (on 465 or 587) only works on my Desktop (Windows)...
  12. R

    Hikvision IPC DS-2CD2112-I reset

    Hi Alastair, I gave it another try, and succeeded. The IPC is running along with the other 3, although I had to add it Manualy in stead off P&P, because the IPC still has a diffrent password thand the other 3 ones. I wil try to equal the password with the other units later . Never the less...
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    Hikvision IPC DS-2CD2112-I reset

    But.... I think we'll call it the day for now. It's Christmas Eve. Thanks so far and have a Merry Christmas Greetings, Rein
  14. R

    Hikvision IPC DS-2CD2112-I reset

    I tried both methods, Manualy and Plug&Play. On both the camera refuses to connect.
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    Hikvision IPC DS-2CD2112-I reset

    Hello Alastair, Thanks, the PW worked and I managed to make some changes using ASDP. But now an other problem accurs. The IPC refuses to work allong the other 3 IPC's on my NVR. I already tried to switch DCHP off and supplied an static IP to the camera. No result. The specs of the 3 other...
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    Hikvision IPC DS-2CD2112-I reset

    Hi alastairstevenson, Thanks for your reply. My current firmware is V5.3.0_150513. See the attached file for information you asked for. Thanks in advance.
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    Hi everyone, My name is Rein, living in The Netherlands. I'm quite unexpirienced in the IP Cam branche, and hoping to find some answers here. Regards.
  18. R

    Hikvision IPC DS-2CD2112-I reset

    Hello everyone, I recently bought a IP Cam 2CD2112-I (Hikvision) om Ebay. It is pre-used. I would like to add this camera to my NVR. Therefore I need to change the network settings in the camera. The specs of the camera are: DS-2CD2112-I Build 20130914 CCWR S/N 433844860 In order to change...