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  1. P - RTSP sub-streams for high-MP cameras

    Did you mean you're missing overlays on BI5 itself or UI3? I still have overlays on both, whether I'm looking at group view or a single camera, so I assume it's a setting you'll need to adjust. Aaaaannnnd...... is out, and I have it installed. No idea what changed, but I'll keep an...
  2. P - RTSP sub-streams for high-MP cameras

    I can still easily get the main streams in UI3 by turning on audio, but hearing every bird and car coming through every camera at once is a little overwhelming lol. Not that big of a deal if I'm just looking at one camera at a time, as I can just turn the volume down and still see the main...
  3. P - RTSP sub-streams for high-MP cameras

    I don't really use the actual BI interface. It's a headless server in the corner of my basement where it belongs, so I'm UI3 all the way. Not sure what .7 changed. I didn't really see any differences. I'm loving the addition of substreams, as I'd already used them in other NVR programs, but...
  4. P

    Blue Iris UI3

    You are absolutely right, thanks for the info. Not sure why it defaulted to a jpeg mode all of the sudden, but all good now.
  5. P

    Blue Iris UI3

    I hope this hasn't already been answered and I just couldn't find it in the thread. When I upgraded BI to, I lost the ability to toggle audio playback on one computer through UI3. If I log directly into my server running BI, I can play audio just fine. If I use the computer in my...