I am using this device: MODEL: DHI-HCVR5104H-S2 / SERIES: 1A03B30PAEO9H18
This device has had admin account blocked. I am unable to do almost every important thing with this DVR. Please, send me unblock code or instructions on how to do it.
However something went wrong when I changed the password.
Tried to do the 8888 x dd x mm x yy (and then typing the last 6 digits) however that does now Work :-(
How do I get my admin password reset to "admin"?
Hey guys
I am seeing some very weird successful admin login connections to the DVR via the admin account. The DVR is showing these connections are coming from NON routable, internal IP addresses, which of course is impossible. Please note: The internal network is 10.1.10.x