clip storage

  1. T

    Continuously recording and video clips with different retention time

    Hello, What is the best way to achieve the following use case? Continuously recording with short retention time (about 3 weeks) Video clips of (confirmed) alerts with long retention time (about 3 month) I thought this could be a common use case. But it looks like this only is possible to...
  2. automaton

    Any way to separate triggered clips from continuous?

    I have a cam that is recording 24/7 to an SSD fast drive that is not backed up in the 'New' folder, because I don't need those clips for very long (no more than a week). I also have the motion sensor setup, and it creates alerts that point to parts of the clips successfully. However, what I...
  3. S

    Possible to Split Clip Database

    I am currently using an external 4TB USB3 hard drive as Storage for one of my Blue Iris setups. New and the db are kept on an internal drive and when it is copied to Storage it goes to the external drive which is kept locked up. My current thought is that I will swap out the external drive once...