codeproject ai

  1. A

    CodeProjectAI errors

    I have a freshly installed (licensed) BlueIris 5 setup and it suggested to use CodeProjectAI. Since this is on a beefier machine, i decided to give it a try. I installed CodeProject.AI-Server_2.9.5_win_x64 with the default options which installed 3 modules: Face Processing 1.12.3 Object...
  2. Dudleydogg

    Updated to the Latest Version of the Code Project,Server version: 2.9.5 Crashes each time object is detected

    I updated today and stopped getting reliable information. Each time I check the status, it's in a "Lost Contact" State. Has anyone else updated and has a similar issue? I just updated .Net even though the installer did some other versions also to see if that was it. also downloaded previous...
  3. L

    Blue Iris AI & Zones

    Hello all! I have recently set up a few cameras with blue iris and am looking to set up ai now. I have set up different zones that are: Zone a-all zone b-my property/driveway zone c-the road I would like ai to trigger anytime it finds a person in any zone but only trigger for a car when it...
  4. kujo2023

    BlueIris Codeproject.AI not alerting at night

    I cannot figure out why I am not getting confirmed alerts at night on my Reolink RLC-81ma camera. The Reolink camera software detects the car and records the event every time. However, BlueIris has been missing it every night. In BlueIris when rerun the clip with "Testing & Tuning" "Analyze...
  5. caduceus26

    BI with CodeProject AI in Docker using Custom Models

    I added C:\MyCustomModels folder to Docker to test the model. My detection times shot through the roof. I went from xxxms - xxxxms (with a occasional xxxxxms) to xxxxxms (with occasional xxxxxxms, and many AI timeouts, even after increasing timeout threshold from 15 ms to 25...
  6. IowaOink

    BlueIris AI Custom Module Detection Order

    Is there a way to set a module order? You can see on the screenshot this is not a person but person detection won, even though Cat has a higher detection and lower response time.
  7. C

    CodeProject AI and final Alert image

    Hello, Is there a way to make AI scan only the Alert image for objects (checking the whole image) without creating an additional motion zone? I'm new to codeproject AI and struggling with the below example: I have an LPR scenario where I need my motion zone trigger on the right side of the...
  8. D

    Codeproject AI and animal tracking

    Hi, I've installed codeproject ai in BI and the tracking for humans and cars is phenomenal! However, I'm also interested in tracking animals. Does anybody know of any animal models/settings/tutorials? Thanks