Hello! Long time lurker, first time poster here.
I have BI and CPAI on separate machines. CPAI is running in docker on a Linux box, GPU enabled (RTX 3050). BI runs on a separate box, GigE (obviously).
Trying to figure out why object detection isn't reliable, especially at night.
In the...
I have a freshly installed (licensed) BlueIris 5 setup and it suggested to use CodeProjectAI. Since this is on a beefier machine, i decided to give it a try.
I installed CodeProject.AI-Server_2.9.5_win_x64 with the default options which installed 3 modules:
Face Processing 1.12.3
Can anyone help me with setting up BI host machine with CPAI on a separate pc on the network please?
I have the instance of CPAI setup and running on the other pc on the network, and the BI host ( is connected and taking requests, but nothing is ever found during the analysis even...
Hey all,
Updated to 2.0.7-Beta and now it doesn't detect any objects. Logs for the cancelled alerts don't really show anything obvious.
I've tried using both 'Object Detection (YOLOv5 .NET)' and 'Object Detection (YOLOv5 6.2)' both to no avail.
Rebooting the machine doesn't help.
My cameras...
I recently noticed some situations in which it was very obvious that there was a person in the frame and BI does not even get triggered. When I go back and analyze the video with the AI it sees it perfectly. I started looking at the AI analysis details and for the situations where it was an...