coral tpu

  1. xm4rcell0x

    YOLO v8 issue with Coral TPU

    Hi guys, i noticed that was added yolov8 module for the coral object detection, i tried but it doesn't work at all. No problem with MobileNet-SSD . That's my log: Any ideas to get this module working ?
  2. 9

    Good IPCameras that support OpenIPC

    New to IPsec cam setups, setting up my own home IPcam network with my home assistant w/ Frigate & Coral and wanted to ask the people who know more on this the following: What IPcameras have we all used with open source firmware that have overall good day/night performance. Just trying to get...
  3. M

    Coral USB TPU - Anyone got any experience feeding RTSP to a Coral TPU Model

    Hi All, I have a coral tpu I got to try and learn some machine learning on the raspberry pi. I am trying to use Gstreamer to feed RTSP from a Dahua camera so the model can reference the image. I cant seem to make it work. Has anyone any experience with setting up something like this?