
  1. RyanODan

    Nelly's Security is now an authorized dealer of Platinum Tools.

    Platinum Tools makes some of the best and easiest to use installation tools and connectors on the market, including the extremely popular EZ-RJ45 crimp tool. We have a wide assortment of tools and connectors in stock right now. Click the picture above to browse our selection.
  2. S

    WTB: Sargent 4100/4200 crimp dies

    I have both crimp tool frames and a few dies. Both frames accept the same dies. Unfortunately, Sargent has discontinued the dies. If anyone has a source for these dies or has any dies they want to sell please PM me. These are some of the dies I want: 4100-30 4100-36m 4100-37m 4100-56 4100-65...