ip camera problems

  1. I

    IP POE Camera stopped working

    Hello, I have an IP 48V POE camera setup and for over a year, everything was working fine. However, since the past 3 months, 5 cameras stopped working suddenly. Brand Name (Chinese): Techage Power: 48V POE Number of cameras: 8 Number of damaged cameras: 5 The cameras are still receiving power...
  2. P

    IPC-HDBW3541F-AS-M problems rebooting constantly

    Anybody purchased a Dahua (DH)- IPC-HDBW3541F-AS-M? I tried 2 cameras 1 Dahua branded, 1 OEM, both constantly Logged out and then back in, returned both. Just a warning of problems.
  3. S

    Hikvision IP Camera offline sporatically

    All of my cameras are working, except one. It was working for about a day however it has now cut out and now no matter what I do it won't kick back on. It goes from not blinking at all to every 7 seconds to always on and blinking every 5 or so seconds (like in video). Hikvision Hardware NVR -...
  4. P

    Kkmoon 809

    Hi! Im making an application with APP Inventor V2, and I wanted to connect the camara (Kkmoon 809) video and audio in my application. For that I need to find out how i can find the IP Adress of my product. I was thinking that if i somehow could conect the camera to my router i could see its IP...