
  1. D

    Dahua DH-NVR5432-4KS2 firmware update with rs232

    hey guys I have problem with Dahua dh-nvr5432-4ks2, tried to update firmware, but it after update NVR got stuck and showed dahua logo on screen and then restarted. Now I try to write new firmware with rs232 port, nvr restarts in the middle of the upload. do you know how to change the time when...
  2. J

    Dahua DH-HAC-HDW1801MP-0280B how I changed mode back to HDCVI via serial connection

    Hi, I have analog camera Dahua DH-HAC-HDW1801MP-0280B. I switched mode and can't get it back into the CVI mode from CVBS. I know about device PFM 820 but people says its not workin with 8mp cameras, and it costs almost like my camera. So I started experimenting with cam. I found information on...
  3. divx118

    UART/RS232 on NBD8008R - 3536DV100 V1.01

    Hi, first post here. I was looking for the rs232 connection on my newly bought NBD8008R - 3536DV100 V1.01 Hangzhou Xiongmai First I was looking at the 4 pin connector CN4, but that seems to be a USB host. I finally found some chinese description online It wasn't quite the same board, but...
  4. B

    serial interface

    Dear techies, I have a DS7716NI I4, and it freezes sometimes, not often but lets say once in 2 months. It is on a remote location and I want to implement a way to restart it when there is no IP connectivity. I see there are two serial ports on it. - RS232 - RS485 my question is, Is it...
  5. K

    Darkfighter 6026FHWD

    Hello guys, i need a little help. I have DS-2CD6026FHWD aka Darkfighter with basic firmware 5.1.4. I need to upgrade it to 5.3.4 to have LPR recognition inside it, but when i try upgrade failed. So i took Hikvision TFTP autoupdate, followed all instructions and still i am not at upgrade...
  6. D

    Hikvision DS-2032-I Console Recovery

    The reason I joined this forum was that my HIKVision DS-2032-I that I purchased on Amazon got bricked when I tried to update the firmware to V5.2.3 build141024 via the web interface. TFTP via the network port does not seem to work properly. I used Wireshark to discover that it never goes...
  7. N

    Camera console connection via UART

    I got a USB to TTL adapter at, about $10 and connected to a camera during bootup. For those interested, I got the JSP connector at the link below that plugs directly into the camera, so easy peasy. The wires coming out of the adapter are as follows, red is ground, black is RX...