
  1. A

    Problem installing IPC-T54IR-ZE -- Default Port & IP?

    I just received the IPC-T54IR-ZE yesterday and would appreciate assistance installing it. My situation might be a little unique. Our primary computer is Linux (Ubuntu) and is the only computer that accesses the web directly. Our only Windows computer (8.1) manages our NAS (Synology) and does...
  2. chspyder

    Dont Get Boxes Around Person And Car DS on Ubuntu

    I cant get the boxes with person % and car % and so on from BI with another PC running DS on Ubuntu. Is it that it cannot send the info back to windows BI? I know Home Assistant works fine doing DS on another machine. Thanks!
  3. chspyder

    Face Detection on Ubuntu

    How the heck can I train or add faces to BI with Deepstack running on another Ubuntu machine? I have had zero luck with this, even if I just want the faces detected to be returned it returns nothing. (I do know it works fine when running DS on windows, but eats processor) Thanks Chspyder
  4. QQlis

    Dahua and ubuntu

    Hello, our company works with dahua ip cameras. One of my colleague asked me to enable IP camera stream on ubuntu 16.04. If I try to enable thru a web page chrome/firefox, browser ask for plugin and if I click to download, web browser throws an error, it can't be reach... Any ideas how to...