A shout out to Nelly's Security support team


Aug 21, 2015
I purchased a Hikvision ip camera from Nelly's. It was priced ~ $50.00 more than Ali Ex . But Nelly's have a warranty and a support service.
I made the right choice with Nelly's.
I could not get my port forward to work . Camera 1 had 80 ,8000 open. For Camera 2 , it would not open 81, 8001.
Ryan at Nelly's did a Team viewer session with me and got the problem fixed in 10 min.
I use a Verizon Westell 327W dsl. For camera 1 , I added 80, 8000 in one service name. When I added camera 2, with 81, 8001 in another service, I could not see both ports.
Ryan put 81 as one service name, and 8001 as another service. Now I can see 81, and 8001.

For me it was worth it the extra money for a reliable support team. They answered the phone on the first ring and solved my problem.

p.s.why does port forward work with ports combined, and sometimes it must be separate?
p.s.why does port forward work with ports combined, and sometimes it must be separate?

There are two likely reasons: 1. The router firmware could be buggy. 2. You may have entered the port numbers in a slightly wrong format.
Moral of the story, you should invest that $50 to update your equipment and purchase off Ali. JK folks. Nelly has saved me in the past even on a several year old system that was way passed the tech support period. A real honorable service at Nelly that's for sure. Well worth it if your doing work for someone and need that immediate support when things dont go as planned, which we all know never do.