About to Upgrade DVR and looking for Suggestions


Jun 12, 2017
Hello everyone. I am about to upgrade my DVR and I am thinking of the Amcrest NV4116E-
I currently have 8 CCTV cameras that I am going to convert to IP with Axis 2400 boxes. I have 3
additional Amcrest Cameras 2 -1080p with PTLZ Wireless cameras and I just got a 4k bullet camera wired this week on the cyber deal. I am looking for a DVR that will do the following.

1. Has an I
phone App
2. Will connect to my TV HDMI
3. Has a web browser interface
4. Support Wired and Wireless cameras.

I can get the Amcrest about for 197.00. Is this a good option or is there something else you would recommend. I am eventually going to convert all the CCTV cameras to IP when I catch them on sale. Any recommendations and help will be greatly appreciated. These cameras are just going on my house and around my property. Thanks.