Accidentally turned off ONVIF access, ActiveX does not work, how to fix this?


Oct 12, 2023
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I have quite old module from XmEye, but it still works fine and has no issues: - Simple 720p module using IPC510 and H62 cmos sensor.
But recently I was playing with settings via ONVIF device manager, messed with hue settings, disabled ONVIF and hit "save" :(
Now everything still works, but colors are all weird and I can't access the camera via ONVIF (stream is all ok).
I've downloaded and installed their XmEye app for android and it works with camera without any issues, but it does not have hue control - only brightness, contrast and saturation.
Tried to login via ActiveX control - does not works, neither from IE, or from the XP machine itself. As I can see, for a certain moment it tries do download apple quicktime from apple website and install it, but it is no longer available there. I tried to manually install the quicktime - no luck.

I've inspected the module from all sides, and see no jumper or reset button, to reset the settings to default.
Any idea for doing this?