Acupick 2.0 Enabled; lots of false positives

H. Swanson

Pulling my weight
Nov 3, 2023
I have the latest 5442 S3 cams and AI NVR from Empiretech. I used to just have IVS enabled with tripwire (human activity) and intrusions (animal activity); no vehicles or non-vehicles. I just enabled Acupick 2.0 to take advantage of the search features, experience database, auto learning, etc.

Now when I do Playback with just Intelligent selected, I get a TON more hits of things that aren't humans or animals. For example, it picks up vehicles even though I don't have vehicles selected in any of my IVS settings. It thinks my radon mitigation pipe is a human wearing white pants lol, for example, and I can't figure out how to add something like that to the experience database as a false positive.

Any advice on how to tune this? Or do I ditch Acupick and go back to IVS only?
What I don’t understand is what Acupick really gets you. Can’t we enable IVS and Metadata manually without it?

From what I have seen, in theory it allows you to select a picture and then it will show you all the cameras that same person or vehicle showed up in.

Probably works well for a business trying to track down a lost kid at a store, but a home situation? And it eats up bandwidth and processor power to process all that stuff.

One of those things that sounds good, but probably not worth the hassle in a home environment.
What I don’t understand is what Acupick really gets you. Can’t we enable IVS and Metadata manually without it?

No, You can't...
Normally on all Dahua/HIK cams, You can choose only ONE AI analytics at time..
So You must choose between IVS (with SMD) and Video Metadata using SmartPlan..

There are sometimes exceptions in higher cam models which allows 2 functions in specified combinations - but before AcuPick, most of this combinations didn't have high sense / usage..

There is huge difference between IVS and Video Metadata:
  • IVS is for perimeter protection - it catches people/cars/(animals) in MOTION which crossed certain defined zones (or other drawed rules).
  • Video metadata - are for finding people / cars based on how they look (color, hair, age, sex, hat, glasses etc)... This functions index people/cars without additional conditions like IVS and is NOT for perimeter protection, but for simply searching people/cars by attributes ..

AcuPick (especially AcuPick 2.0) is combination of IVS and Video Metadata, where both functions WORKS on camera in parallel...
One for perimeter protection (results in AI search -> IVS), second for simply collecting all people/cars and describing how they looks...

If You use DMSS / SmartPSS to see events there is no use from AcuPick.. Both apps don't support them (events mix with others)...

You must log to NVR (over web or HDMI) to use AcuPick..

First function (from AcuPick 1.0) you use in live view (or playback view) by clicking on AcuPick icon (magnifying glass icon) and selecting person / car. NVR will show You recording of all similar looking people / cars from ALL AcuPick cams recordings.. This will show You for example how the same person moved / behaved around Your house (in recording from ALL outside cameras).. or was that person (in the same clothes) before...

Second (search by parameter) from AcuPick 2.0 you will find in AI search -> AcuPick menu - where You can specify how people should looks (blue top, hat etc) plus other extra conditions - and NVR will show You all matching people/cars from ALL AcuPick 2.0 cams recordings.. This works mostly the same as old Video Metadata (with some limitations depending of camera model)...

Some extra information about AcuPick 2.0:

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From what I have seen, in theory it allows you to select a picture and then it will show you all the cameras that same person or vehicle showed up in.

Probably works well for a business trying to track down a lost kid at a store, but a home situation? And it eats up bandwidth and processor power to process all that stuff.

One of those things that sounds good, but probably not worth the hassle in a home environment.


Acupick is not going to be helpful to most residential environments. For businesses, malls, busy street scenes where you want to find the lady with the blue hat, or the lost kid example then yeah.
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Acupick is not going to be helpful to most residential environments. For businesses, malls, busy street scenes where you want to find the lady with the blue hat, or the lost kid example then yeah.

AcuPick have sense in residential environments - but installer must understand for what that function is..
If You have external cams, cams which records Your internal plot / yard / driveway and outside street or even neighbors - You use IVS to protect internal plot / yard and AcuPick for saving / describing everything (all people / cars on street and on the plot).

In this scenario AcuPick works like beloved on this forum ANPR - simply index not only cars by plate number but also humans and allow to search by video attributes (color, age, hat/glasses, in case of 7xxx cams also car plate number and brand etc).. if something happened on the street You can very easy and fast find matching people / cars by describing attributes..
AcuPick have sense in residential environments - but installer must understand for what that function is..
If You have external cams, cams which records Your internal plot / yard / driveway and outside street or even neighbors - You use IVS to protect internal plot / yard and AcuPick for saving / describing everything (all people / cars on street and on the plot).

In this scenario AcuPick works like beloved on this forum ANPR - simply index not only cars by plate number but also humans and allow to search by video attributes (color, age, hat/glasses, in case of 7xxx cams also car plate number and brand etc).. if something happened on the street You can very easy and fast find matching people / cars by describing attributes..

Yeah, but in the states, most of our experience here are installers that simply run the wires, provide the gear and hang up cameras. Most do very little in actually setting it up.

My friend bought gear on the last sale and I set it up with this and it just wasn't as useful as one thinks and they (friend no gear) can barely playback something effectively and trying to show them this was blank stares lol.

I let it run for a month just so I could play with it and didn't find it worth it for their use case.