Advice needed on DS-2CD3345-I camera


Dec 31, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all,
Been looking around for a Chinese wonder cam and came across this Hik 4mp camera.DS-2CD3345-I. Link =>( . Does anyone have one of these camera and will be so kindly to share your thoughts?

Another question is I have a bit of trouble understanding about the lens guide. I was thinking of hanging the camera on the top right of my garage ~2.5m high and angled a bit to the down and left overlooking the drive way which is about ~3m long by ~5m wide. Should I be using a 2/4/6 mm lens? I do not require license plate recognition. Just need it to be able to get a decent ID of some one walking into the driveway. I will attach some photos of the driveway when I get the chance to.

Sorry if question has been answered already somewhere else.


Known around here
Nov 18, 2014
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I have a 3345-I. My 6mm lens is probably a bit long for a 3m long driveway. Works well for covering the vehicle in my driveway that's 15m from the cam to road with the cam about 3m from the front license plate though. For me, 4mm is the minimum for any cam unless I expect people to walk right up within a few feet of the camera at night. Are you sure your driveway is only 3m long? Most cars are longer than that. I can read a plate in the daytime of anything that sticks its nose in my 15m driveway with the 3345-I. Depending on lighting, sometimes I can read a daytime plate straight on from 25m or more with a 6mm 3345-I. Night plate reading, particularly against headlights, is more dependent on IR lighting and specialized settings that preclude the cam being useful for faces. Soooo, for VERY short driveways like yours with the car parked basically touching the cam, 4mm is OK unless you've got very good lighting and the front bumper is almost basically touching the camera and then 2.8mm might be OK. I'm still a bit skeptical on a 3.0m driveway length though. My garage and shortest car is longer than that, let alone the driveway. 3.0m would be good for my motorcycle. If accurate though, then a 2.8mm lens mounted 2.5m high covering a wide 3.0m long driveway with good lighting should be OK for ID and be wide enough to cover what you want.


Dec 31, 2015
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Thx for the reply buddy, I think I got a bit mixed up With the length of my van and the space inside the cabin. I will get my tape out tomorrow and measure the driveway and I'll repost it again. With some pictures.


Dec 31, 2015
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You are totally right kawboy12R drive way is about 6.5m by 6.5m. So ill stick with the 4mm lens. Thx for the answers