AliExpress LPR Camera


Jul 24, 2024
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Hi everyone, I'm new to all this and I'm trying to make a LPR system for my home on the cheap. I want to use it to open my driveway gate when a proper license plate is read (possibly done through Shelly which I use for opening them now), but the main purpose would be seeing if anyone is driving multiple times up and down the road watching our and the neighbours houses, we've seen a few questionable foreigners doing this in the past year, with some break in attempts too. (Road is only 5 meters from the gate so I think LPR cameras would have no problem seeing the license plates on the road as well)

I'm looking for an LPR camera that is sub 300€. Everything I've seen from trusted brands so far is 600€ or more.

I found this on aliexpress and want to know if anyone tried it and if they are junk:
Also, any good recommendations for a not too expensive LPR camera? I don't need built in software for ANPR, I will most likely be using Blue Iris with a plugin for this or something along those lines.
