Always-on VPN Android with DDNS


Getting the hang of it
Sep 15, 2019
I know there are some gurus out there. I'm doing this the right way-ish.

USG setup for VPN
DuckDNS setup for dynamic IP DNS resolve
Android pointing to DuckDNS URL
Android can't do "always-on" VPN with a name, it needs a numeric entry :(

There must be a client that supports this, I get why Android wants to make sure you're using the direct IP, but it's not static so that clearly won't work. Help please :)
You could try to put the Dynamic DNS hostname into the Override Host Name field on the SSL VPN Settings
Then you will need to re-download the SSL VPN Configuration
It would be in the VPN config file that you generate for each device.
Sounds like openvpn talk. I got this working but needed to spin up openvpn server in my qnap Nas. L2tp is a dead end on android
The best OpenVPN client for Android is OpenVPN Client Pro. Its the only client I know of that can tunnel dual stack IPv4 & IPv6 not to mention all the setting options it has. The previous version was only for OpenVPN but it now supports other protocols as well like WireGuard. But its not free.

If you run SoftEther VPN server which has OpenVPN built in, it also has a ddns client built into it.
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