Amcrest 4K 8MP IP8M-2779EW-AI WDR issue

May 18, 2024
Reaction score
Mercer County PA
Hello everyone,

I recently picked up a 4K 8MP Amcrest and I've been playing with the settings. I came across WDR and was playing around with it. When boosting WDR to 100 I get these blocks that appear on the image. I only notice them on bright surfaces like clouds or walls. When turning down the WDR to under 40 they disappear. Is something wrong with my camera or senor? I have the 5MP version and that doesn't do it at 100 or below on WDR. When WDR is off I see no boxes on the 4k Cam. I have the latest firmware and have done a factory reset.

As I move the camera around I can see the boxes moving as well with the camera in the same spots. They stay in the same areas until I hit something with contrast.

