Any idea how to address the drought situation on the west coast?


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
To see the drought on the west coast worsen continues to appall me. Its too bad this solution can't work,

Basically man needs to quit trying to manage everything. You'd think our God, or Mother Nature if you prefer, didn't have a clue what they were doing.

I lived in CA for 29 years and remember a really large fire outside of Yosemite I think mid 80's. Many people tore their hair out, you'd think it was the Apocalypse. Within a few short years you could barely tell there had been a big fire, nature began healing itself.

Sure it took time to heal. But when people keep building in the woods, letting the forests' undergrowth thicken, put out small wild fires over and over you're setting it up for a big, big burn...which is happening now and has happened every summer for the last decade.

And water? I remember water rationing in the 70's, 80's, 90's etc. etc. Every time an effort was made to create a reservoir or two for drinking water it got voted down; in their eyes the land was too valuable money-wise to NOT develop into a shopping center or housing tract. With the Internet retail success closing down all those malls I wonder if those in charge are thinking they screwed up back then. I know, hindsight is always 20-20 but they keep doing the same thing year after year, including re-electing the same leftists and wonder why things are so messed up. Didn't mean to get political but I do feel strongly that it's part of the's an environmentalist's heaven.