Anyone use the "Fast-Moving" IVS setting?


BIT Beta Team
Jun 8, 2015
Curious how well this works for capturing vehicles as they drive through the FOV. Thanks!

Screen Shot 2023-01-08 at 6.31.15 PM.png
This is simply a method to filter out "slow moving" objects.

Plain ole IVS is probably the better option for most people and it would have to be a particular use-case why someone would only want triggers for fast moving objects.
Thanks @wittaj... I guess my hope was that somehow this setting would do a better job capturing moving vehicles. With regular Intrusion, the snapshot is late more times than not and misses the vehicle.
Yeah, I suspect this would be even worse as it now would have to run it thru the algorithm to determine if it is "fast".

I have one camera that is problematic like that so I am using Deepstack to get the vehicle in the middle of the snapshot. Since the camera AI is doing the main analysis, it does it fairly quickly.
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I've wondered about that one too. Never tried it but I could see someone maybe using it to capture vehicles moving above some relative speed vs others. The sensitivity for that seems to relate to speed so that might work as a filter. You'd have to play with it to get the threshold right for whatever speed you're trying to tag.