Anywhere to buy in Canada?


Aug 25, 2015
I'm looking to buy a couple of DS-2CD2132F-IS cameras, but I can't find a Canadian source. And I'm not sure if I want to risk going the China route. Is there another brand that I could purchase within Canada? Even if I have to pay more I'm willing to do so.
I'm not aware of anyone in Canada selling Hikvision product, but Hikvision recently opened a Canadian division, so they may very well be looking into resellers.
You could always ask them.

  • contact_05.jpg
    Hikvision Canada
  • 4485 Rue Dobrin, Montréal, QC H4R 2L8 Canada
    Tel: 866-200-6690 (toll free)
    Fax: +1-909-595-2788
If I had to buy non-chinese right now I'd either go with Nelly's or B&H, but the cost savings buying Chinese is too good to pass up. :)
You an buy Dahua camera at Monréal...

Last year I have buying a few Dahua camera at this store.