Auto Patrol when Tripwire triggered immediately resumes to default preset


Jun 30, 2024
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I recently bought a DH-SD3E405DB-GNY-A-PV for the front of my workshop and am having a little difficulty with the setup. Two issues...


Secondary (minor) Issue:
One issue is that person tracking works fine, but it gives up really easily. If someone walks behind a very small tree (a sapling with hardly any brances yet) and disappears from view for barely 1 seconds it gives up and goes back to default position. Is there a way to pause for ~10 seconds or so in its last position before heading back to default?

Primary issue:
When using IVS -> Trip Wire -> Auto Patrol, the camera auto patrols to the desired preset correctly but after just enough time to focus it immediately goes back to the default preset. It ignores any movement or human tracking until back at its original preset, at which point the person getting out of their car is no longer in shot. Is there a way to pause for ~30 seconds or so in that position before heading back to default?

Long winded story:
I have a small car park which I have the PTZ default preset as "Driveway". This is a slightly zoomed in view of my driveway so I can capture number plates as people enter. It's the only way in to the carpark so this works very well as it stands.

There is room for cars to park on either side of the parking area ("Carpark-Left", "Carpark-Right" presets). I have set up tripwires so if a vehicle enters the driveway and turns left, it Auto Patrols to "Carpark-Left" This works perfectly.

The issue I have is that the camera Auto Patrols to the "Carpark-Left" preset but then immediately goes back to "Driveway". There's no dwell / pause / delay, it pans at full speed to that preset, sits there just long enough to achieve focus, and then immediately goes back.

Am I using the wrong functionality, or is there a setting I'm missing? Is there a better way to do what I am trying to achieve?

Should I just cut my losses and get a camera with a wider FOV? I already have a Panoramic camera up higher which covers the whole street so this was more for getting details like number plates and faces.

This thread is nothing without pics:

IVS Settings (using camera interface / web page to configure) for the Camera-Left tripwire configuration:


Cheers for any assistance, apologies if I've missed a Wiki or whatever. Still getting lost in all the acronyms and abbreviations.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Nope - nothing you can do about adding a time to stay in place to try to track behind an object. You play with target size (make it bigger and make it smaller) until you find an acceptable balance.

Auto patrol means it cycles thru the presets. You don't want to do that. It will burn the camera up quickly. Some have had them go bad after less than year of auto cycle.

What most here do is use fixed cams as spotter cams to tell the PTZ where to look.
