Basic novice question for advanced user about triggers


Pulling my weight
Jun 13, 2015
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Just when I think I'm an advanced BI user I get stumped by something that is probably basic :)
So most of my cameras are PTZ and they all have PTZ presets (at least 5 each).
Most of these cameras also use the presets under the PTZ/Control, where each preset has it's own motion detection based on the preset it's scheduled to be at.
So, in this scenario, if I use a override for a preset should I clear that motion map under the original preset (for the same preset number)?
I seem to be getting motion as if the entire motion map is turned on vs what I have set on the override motion map for that preset.


Pulling my weight
Jun 13, 2015
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I think I said that wrong... should I clear the original trigger mask (under trigger tab) when using preset trigger mask for each preset.


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2016
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SF Bay Area
should I clear the original trigger mask (under trigger tab) when using preset trigger mask for each preset
I too have been having trouble using this feature and have been emailing Ken about it this week.
Per his guidance, the answer to the quoted question is ‘yes’ (uncheck ‘Use zones and hot spot’ In the ‘Motion sensor’ configure tab.)

However, when I’ve done this I still cannot get the preset motion zones to override. In theory, you can see which motion zone map is in active in the bottom left corner of the ’Motion sensor’ configure’ tab. It never shows anything but “Active zone map: (none)” for me when I try to use preset zone maps per Ken’s guidance.

In our last email, Ken said he would do more testing.


Pulling my weight
Jun 13, 2015
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I too have been having trouble using this feature and have been emailing Ken about it this week.
Per his guidance, the answer to the quoted question is ‘yes’ (uncheck ‘Use zones and hot spot’ In the ‘Motion sensor’ configure tab.)

However, when I’ve done this I still cannot get the preset motion zones to override. In theory, you can see which motion zone map is in active in the bottom left corner of the ’Motion sensor’ configure’ tab. It never shows anything but “Active zone map: (none)” for me when I try to use preset zone maps per Ken’s guidance.

In our last email, Ken said he would do more testing.
I've made this change for 2 days now and the triggers are behaving like I expect them to with the preset override motion detectors, but only when I cleared out the zones/hot spot under the main tab. This has been an issue for me for at least a year now. There were so many times when I didn't understand why a preset was triggering when it shouldn't have. Now I know.


Pulling my weight
Jun 13, 2015
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I too have been having trouble using this feature and have been emailing Ken about it this week.
Per his guidance, the answer to the quoted question is ‘yes’ (uncheck ‘Use zones and hot spot’ In the ‘Motion sensor’ configure tab.)

However, when I’ve done this I still cannot get the preset motion zones to override. In theory, you can see which motion zone map is in active in the bottom left corner of the ’Motion sensor’ configure’ tab. It never shows anything but “Active zone map: (none)” for me when I try to use preset zone maps per Ken’s guidance.

In our last email, Ken said he would do more testing.
Forgot to answer your Active zone map issue. I had the same problem where, in some cases, it would show Active Zone map: none, when there should have been a preset 1 or preset 2. After many hours of tinkering I figured out my issue was related to my preset that was using a command to run another preset (night time or day time mode) for my Dahua camera. So, summing my issue up, my scheduled preset would kick in at a pre-set time, and for that preset I might have had another preset kick off. That caused my Active Zone map to show "none'. Your problem may be different but that definitely was my issue.


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2016
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SF Bay Area
Ken suggested using the ‘blackout’ feature as a way to visualize the actual ‘active zone map’. I’d be curious if it works for you. You can implement it like this:

1. On your standard zone map (Trigger > Motion sensor configure) draw/clear a number or symbol on the zone that spans the entire image (for me it’s always zone ‘G’).. Make sure it’s on an area that‘s not covered by any other zone. See screenshot 1

2. On your preset zone map (PTZ/Control > Edit presets > Preset x > Override motion zones > Edit), draw/clear a different symbol. Again, make sure it’s on an area that‘s not covered by any other zone. See screenshot 2.

The idea is that If you playback a clip while the preset’s motion zone is active you should see its symbol blacked out on the video (make sure ‘Test run video through motion detector’ is active).

Screenshot 3 shows the blacked-out symbol for the standard zone map (#1 above) during playback of a clip or alert. This is expected.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a screenshot showing the blacked-out symbol for the preset’s zone map during playback because I’ve never been able to get its motion zone to be active. I’ve tested these configurations:
  1. Trigger ‘Use zones and hot spot’’ unchecked, Preset ‘Override motion zones‘ checked, Reset camera, Moved to preset.
  2. Removed (cleared) all defined zones from Trigger ‘Use zones and hot spot’’, then repeated #1
I should note that I’m doing all of these tests on a cloned camera. The clone master continuously records and has no motion detection. However, I’ve just run similar tests on the clone master with identical results.

1598890734208.jpeg 1598891032750.jpeg 1598891065155.jpeg


Pulling my weight
Jun 13, 2015
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jaydeel, I did your #1 and #2 steps. I used "P1" for preset 1 and "P" for my normal trigger/motion sensor. The image shows a P1 (masked out) for my preset 1 override. When I turn off override, then the image shows "P" as expected and records video with the "P1" and other masking I'm using for that preset 1.
However, even without using those designations, when I turn on masking, it becomes obvious to me that I'm looking at my preset 1 motion override vs no mask that I use for my normal trigger.
I normally don't use masking anyway but did so to let you know the above.


BIT Beta Team
Nov 9, 2016
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SF Bay Area
Thanks much for testing this.
I’ve apparently got an issue that is preventing normal functioning.
I’ll share this with Ken.