I've added a 3rd camera to BI recently but every time the camera's IVS triggers (saves to memory card), BI also crashes. I've set BI to just record continuously (not continuously + Triggered) and still the same problem. I'm going to try uncheck BI pulling Onvif to see if that makes a difference (I'm not recording the triggers so didn't think it would but I'll try unchecking anyway).
I doubt this is to do with BI version, Windows etc. as the problem has only started happening since I've added this new camera and the log files show BI crashing at the same time the Camera's on-board Playback to SD card shows a trigger recorded on the SD card. The camera continues to record triggers fine after the first one.
The new cam added is a 3449TM-AS-NI. The other 2 cameras that have been working fine with BI are 5442's but as mentioned above, the camera seems to be working fine, it's BI that's crashing.
Any ideas what this could be?
I doubt this is to do with BI version, Windows etc. as the problem has only started happening since I've added this new camera and the log files show BI crashing at the same time the Camera's on-board Playback to SD card shows a trigger recorded on the SD card. The camera continues to record triggers fine after the first one.
The new cam added is a 3449TM-AS-NI. The other 2 cameras that have been working fine with BI are 5442's but as mentioned above, the camera seems to be working fine, it's BI that's crashing.
Any ideas what this could be?