BI Manual


Getting the hang of it
Mar 8, 2018
Thank for the help so far everybody, I now have an up n running BI system, it has taken lots of time and lots of work but the system is amazing and getting better.

I'm now fiddling with triggers to suit my environment and that is a pleasure of a job after negotiating VPN's which as it happens were a doddle but only once you know what your doing and as a practical hands on person, I just about coped.
But having never previously dealt with VPN's, Subnets, Masks, IP's, WAN's or LAN's or even known their definitions, it has been a tough learning curve.

Anyhow, 3 day later I am here, system works, and I know lots more than I did. My cameras are amazing too and I look forward to improving them. Initially this was a set up for my mum but it is so good, I will set hers up in the same manner and use this setup for myself.

I am happy to help if anybody wants a little setup advice as I used that to get myself up n running.

Connecting Using Android & VPN
VPN's were the real pain but in the ASUS router, there is an instruction page to assist and if instructions are followed carefully, it's easy.

PPTP I read have security weaknesses so I avoided them. Although PPTP was easiest to set up for trial purposes. Once setup, I then used IPSec and deleted my PPTP settings.

I wanted OpenVPN but still haven't succeeded with that. (I'd love help here if anybody can do despite not knowing of a security benefit)

IPSec instruction on ASUS Router are wonderful "but only IPSec instruction for Android" worked on the ASUS router.
(the ASUS VPN for Windows instructions did not, nor did the Open VPN Instructions).

Still google says IPSec was secure enough.

Good Luck people:)

Oh, how do I stop my cameras reaching the internet?

Even when BI wouldn't work, I had no port forwarding, no DMZ & no VPN, I could still access the Dahua cameras away from home using the NACL web plug in. It was annoying and confusing.

Is there a setting for stopping them reach the internet, if so, where?
Disable UPnP in cams and in router.

Also, look at Post #811 here regarding "Asus instructions".
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