BI settings backup and restore


Pulling my weight
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
I had a big enough issue with my dedicated Blue Iris (windows 11) computer that I had to restore an image from late 2022.
I backed up my BI settings to a safe location before I did the image restore for the hard drive.
After the restore I launched BI, updated to current stable version, then did a restore of settings, and restarted.
Now I have old cameras (most don't work) and missing newer cameras and some cameras that do work because nothing would have changed since my last image backup.
What is the proper way to restore settings and cameras in a situation like this, where you restore an image then update BI to current?
Why aren't the cameras that were current at the settings backup restored only?

PS because I'm anal, I do have separate camera reg backups that I can import but I'd still like to know the answer to the above question.

(cross posted on another forum; hope to get more traction here)


Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
Reaction score
Minnesota USA
if the code of the backed . reg file is a hugely different version than the "current stable version" you could be inviting problems?
I would have reimaged the PC, and installed BI, but an older version that agrees with the age/date of the .reg file backup, before moving to the newset version.
I stay away from newest versions.
then see if the cams come back online before going to the newest version.
Not sure if that is the complete fix, but my 2 cents.

do you have any newer images than 2022?
when we add and remove cams from the system and do stuff to our network,,,over time....we change IP's and cam#'s etc.
then when you pull a .reg backup to reinsert into the system, it might have differences in hardware location and IP addresses.


Known around here
Feb 4, 2020
Reaction score
Minnesota USA
Do you have other dates of BlueIris.reg files you can try importing?
I recall trying an import of reg files when i built a new machine.
but the newer version of BI had switches and options not in the old BI and the CPU went to 90-100% and the thing froze. and then fans revved way up...
because i was telling the OLD BI to save a .JPG on triggers, welp....the new BI had a new option in jpeg captures...CONTINOUS!
SO the .reg file wrote itself into the new version with the check box for JPG enabled as it should have. but the default was now CONTINOUS. 17 cams on Continous JPG capture WDF!
I had to unplug 50% of the cams just to have a shot at disabling that option in the new version.
then with @wittaj 's help i had to disable hardware acceleration to calm things down to normal.
SO im my case The .reg file was not my friend.
I ended up going thru each cams settings and getting it where i liked it before a did another .reg save.
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Pulling my weight
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
It turns out, for me, it was a combination of restoring the settings and then restoring the cameras branch of the registry that got things back to normal.
I occasionally export the cameras branch when I make a lot of changes to the cameras.
I'm back up but still wondering what is the best method.