Blue Iris Android app connects and works properly over wifi, but not over mobile data

May 17, 2017
I have been running Blue Iris version 4 forever without issue. (Yes, I am getting ready to upgrade to Blue Iris 5 very soon).

I have Android App version 2.0.71 installed on my phone, running Android version 10.

On my phone, I can connect at home or in remote locations over wifi and everything works great.

If I try to connect when using mobile data the app just indicates it is loading after logging in and I never see my cameras load.

But I can see my Blue Iris server info (CPU, Memory, and Uptime) displayed in real-time at the bottom of the App menu. I can even click on Logs in the menu and see updated/current info there too.

So it seems to be connecting but not fully functioning (I can't see my cameras).

The same phone, same app, same settings work when connected to wifi at home or remotely, but not when connected to data (T-Mobile 5G).

Also, note that this was working fine with my Verizon 4G phone but I had to switch phones recently when my employer changed carriers.
And there haven't been any changes on the Blue Iris server side so I do not think there is an issue there.

...I just had a thought and tried something interesting. I also have an Android tablet with the Blue Iris App and it works fine. But I just turned off wifi on my phone and fired up the phone's hotspot, then connected my tablet to the phone's hotspot, so essentially my tablet is using my phone's mobile data. And while connected to my phone's hotspot the Blue Iris app on my tablet will not display my cameras either. But I can see Blue Iris log info updating and Blue Iris server info just like on my phone. When I killed my hotspot, my tablet reconnected to regular wifi and then my cameras showed up instantly.

And I had one more idea... I just installed a VPN app on my phone, turned off wifi so it was using mobile data, fired up the VPN, and the Blue Iris app connected and worked without issue when using the VPN connection over mobile data.

What the heck? Are there any known issues with T-Mobile data / T-Mobile 5G data? Perhaps cameras are displayed over some port that is blocked (a different port that is used for app authentication, server info, and log info). or something like that?
I'm not ruling out other things at this point, but I sure am suspicious. And I will be more suspicious if others are having the same issue.

Any thoughts?

(I just noticed I can use HTTPS rather than HTTP in my server connection so I will try that next and see if it helps at all -- fingers crossed)