Blue Iris Keyboard Shortcuts


Dec 23, 2019
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Hi Everyone,

Maybe I am missing something here but is there a keyboard shortcut setting to select a particular camera full screen.

In other words, I want to configure it so I can press “1” to make Camera 1 full screen. Press “2” to make Camera 2 Screen, etc (“N” referring to the number on the keypad). I found the shortcut configurations to make the app fullscreen and to display all camera tiles, but not the aforementioned.

Along similar lines, is there a way to set keyboard shortcuts to select or cycle through the different configured “group” views?



IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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DISCLAIMER: I have never used KB shortcuts until now in an effort to assist the OP (that's probably obvious) so proceed at your own risk; if you have better luck/process, speak up! ;)

  1. Click on desired camera to set up camera #1.
  2. Right click, select "Camera settings".
  3. On "General" tab, down at bottom, click on box "set keyboard shortcut"
  4. Ignore "Cancel" popup when setting.
  5. On keyboard, press the number "1".
  6. Click on "OK"
  7. Click on "solo selected camera" up top between "camera layout" and "auto cycle". *
  8. Go to full screen (the double-ended arrow at the top, to the right of the volume slider, left of the "II" live pause button).
*NOTE: Sometimes I had to perform step #7, sometimes not. Perhaps restarting BI would have eliminated that step...yours to discover!
Now you see all cams, full screen. You might want to leave it in this view until you want to see the one cam full screen.
  • Press "1" to see only cam 1 full screen
  • Press "ESCape" key to revert to all cams full screen.
  • Press ESC again to exit full screen.
Perform steps 1 through 7 to next cams desired to have a KB shortcut, cams 2 through N. I tried the "F1" function key for cam #1 and it worked as well. There are likely other keys that can be used.

If you want to change or delete a set shortcut, then start again with step #1 and when you get to step #4, this time click on "Cancel" in the popup, your shortcut will disappear.

There may be another or better process, but this works for me. FWIW, most of this is covered in BI's built-in "Help', search for "shortcut", it's found on page 41.
Last edited:


Dec 23, 2019
Reaction score
DISCLAIMER: I have never used KB shortcuts until now in an effort to assist the OP (that's probably obvious) so proceed at your own risk; if you have better luck/process, speak up! ;)

  1. Click on desired camera to set up camera #1.
  2. Right click, select "Camera settings".
  3. On "General" tab, down at bottom, click on box "set keyboard shortcut"
  4. Ignore "Cancel" popup when setting.
  5. On keyboard, press the number "1".
  6. Click on "OK"
  7. Click on "solo selected camera" up top between "camera layout" and "auto cycle". *
  8. Go to full screen (the double-ended arrow at the top, to the right of the volume slider, left of the "II" live pause button).
*NOTE: Sometimes I had to perform step #7, sometimes not. Perhaps restarting BI would have eliminated that step...yours to discover!
Now you see all cams, full screen. You might want to leave it in this view until you want to see the one cam full screen.
  • Press "1" to see only cam 1 full screen
  • Press "ESCape" key to revert to all cams full screen.
  • Press ESC again to exit full screen.
Perform steps 1 through 7 to next cams desired to have a KB shortcut, cams 2 through N. I tried the "F1" function key for cam #1 and it worked as well. There are likely other keys that can be used.

If you want to change or delete a set shortcut, then start again with step #1 and when you get to step #4, this time click on "Cancel" in the popup, your shortcut will disappear.

There may be another or better process, but this works for me. FWIW, most of this is covered in BI's built-in "Help', search for "shortcut", it's found on page 41.
Exactly what I'm looking to do. Perfect. I'll give it a shot and see what happens.

If only there was a shortcut for camera groups, that'd be amazing.

Thanks Tony!