Blue Iris & PTZ with the SD49425XB-HNR


Getting the hang of it
Nov 4, 2019
Hi, my order from Andy came in and I have it temporarily mounted. PTZ works within the web interface but not in BI. I've tried every Dahau drop down option.

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Did the find/inspect not pull the proper one when you first added the camera? It is best to try that first instead of trying to guess. Find/inspect worked for both of my PTZs
Under video mine pulled generic for the make and ONVIF for the PTZ protocol
It sounds like an ONVIF password conflict.

I don't think the username bi that you are using has ONVIF control

Go into the camera GUI and there is a tab under one of the options where you create users and passwords and there is a tab for ONVIF user. Go to that tab and create a bi username and password with what you want it to be and that should fix it.

I had created BI account under Account and Onvif user. Account as PTZ control and Onvif was set to admin just to make sure. I just reset the PW, still no go

I guess the next thing to try is delete the camera in BI and re-add it. Sometimes things get wonky and that fixes it.
Under the PTZ tab change that Dahua/Q-see to ONVIF (OXML) with the dropdown menu.
That did not work either.

Here's the Find/Inspect:

Opening port 8999... ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime HTTP 12029 Checking for common cameras... Foscam FI86xx/98xx compatible? Foscam FI89xx compatible? Foscam FI9821 V2 compatible? Foscam FI9821 media port compatible? Cantonk port 34567? RTSP port open? RTSP port detected! Done
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I had one that I fought with for a while like that too. Make sure that you're starting from scratch when setting up the cam. Don't copy from another cam. When you delete it, kill it completely and start over. Was in BI4 but it seemed like BI held onto something related to PTZ control for the cam and it wouldn't work otherwise once it got whatever wrong.

Do the presets work?
Something isn't right. The find/inspect window should be pages of lines in that window that pops open and you have 12 lines there.

It isn't finding the camera correctly.

I suspect it is an issue with the permissions of the user.password.

Hate so say it but a factory reset of the camera may be in order once you have confirmed the permissions are correct and they are not working.

I would suggest deleting the onvif user and create again and try again.
One thing I see is that you are using port 8999, The ONVIF port for the camera is 80.

Here is what pops up with my find/inspect for this camera:

Opening port 80...

HTTP Get / request...


ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime


Requesting device information...

Manufacturer: Dahua

Model: DH-SD49425XB-HNR

FirmwareVersion: 2.800.1341000.0.R, Build Date 2020-03-12


Querying services

Has Search services: /onvif/search_service

Has Imaging services: /onvif/imaging_service

Has media services: /onvif/media_service

Has RTP_RTSP_TCP, requesting profiles

profile token MediaProfile000

profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_MainStream

profile source is 000

profile source config is 000

profile token MediaProfile001

profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_SubStream1

profile source is 000

profile source config is 000

profile token MediaProfile002

profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_SubStream2

profile source is 000

profile source config is 000

requesting URI for profile MediaProfile000

RTSP URI: /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif

requesting URI for profile MediaProfile001

RTSP URI: /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1&unicast=true&proto=Onvif

requesting URI for profile MediaProfile002

RTSP URI: /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=2&unicast=true&proto=Onvif

Has Event services: /onvif/event_service

Has WSPullPointSupport

RelayOutputs: 1

RelayOutput: 000/Bistable/open

InputConnectors: 2

Has Device IO services: /onvif/deviceIO_service

AudioOutputs: 1

Has PTZ service: /onvif/ptz_service

Preset: 1=Startup

Preset: 2=DWWide

Preset: 3=DWNight

Preset: 4=Vehicle

Preset: 5=FrontDoor

Preset: 6=Sidehouse

Preset: 7=Mailbox

Preset: 8=Upstreet

Preset: 9=DownStreet

Preset: 10=Downstreet2

Preset: 11=LPRupstreet

Preset: 12=Weather

Preset: 13=2AM

Preset: 14=DownSpotter

Preset: 15=UpSpotter

Preset: 16=DownSpotterDay

Preset: 17=DownSpotterNight

Preset: 18=DownSpotterNightNew

Preset: 19=DownSpotterNightZone

  1. Deleted the BI accounts in the camera
  2. Deleted the camera from BI
  3. Recreated the BI accounts in the camera
  4. Readded the camera to BI
  5. Discovery said:
    1. Opening port 80...
      HTTP Get / request...
      Redirected to
      ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
      HTTP 12152
      Opening port 8999...
      ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
      HTTP 12029
      Checking for common cameras...
      Foscam FI86xx/98xx compatible?
      Foscam FI89xx compatible?
      Foscam FI9821 V2 compatible?
      Foscam FI9821 media port compatible?
      Cantonk port 34567?
      RTSP port open?
      RTSP port detected!
  6. Enabled PTZ set to Onvif
  7. Camera is displaying video
  8. Navigation buttons do not work nor does the preset that I set.
  9. Camera and BI are on the same VLAN
  10. ONVIF service is on in the camera
  11. Firewall off on the camera as it's not needed with the VLAN
  12. Did not work
I got thinking about the self signed certificate that I created in the camera to enable HTTPS; I disabled it, waited for a few minutes and made sure that HTTP was back. I re-ran the Find/Inspect about got this:
Opening port 80...
HTTP Get / request...
ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
Requesting device information...
Manufacturer: Dahua
Model: SD49425XB-HNR
FirmwareVersion: 2.800.1341000.0.R, Build Date 2020-03-12
Querying services
Has Imaging services: /onvif/imaging_service
Has media services: /onvif/media_service
Has RTP_RTSP_TCP, requesting profiles
profile token MediaProfile000
profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_MainStream
profile source is 000
profile source config is 000
profile token MediaProfile001
profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_SubStream1
profile source is 000
profile source config is 000
profile token MediaProfile002
profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_SubStream2
profile source is 000
profile source config is 000
requesting URI for profile MediaProfile000
RTSP URI: /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif
requesting URI for profile MediaProfile001
RTSP URI: /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1&unicast=true&proto=Onvif
requesting URI for profile MediaProfile002
RTSP URI: /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=2&unicast=true&proto=Onvif
Has Event services: /onvif/event_service
Has WSPullPointSupport
RelayOutputs: 1
RelayOutput: 000/Bistable/open
InputConnectors: 2
Has Device IO services: /onvif/deviceIO_service
AudioOutputs: 1
Has PTZ service: /onvif/ptz_service
Preset: 1=Preset1

It's now working, so it must have been the SSL cert. Thank you for your help in this. Now, I just need to get the darn thing to get the right time from pfsenes' NTP like my other cameras does, it's about 20 seconds off. I can see that it's communicating successfully via the firewall's logs.