BlueIris Layout


Dec 7, 2022
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Hey Guys,

it might seem kinda weired, but I'm using BI for almost 2 Years now, but I still wasn't able to set it up, like I want. Now my Support License is running out and I'm struggling to renew it.

First I have a general Question. I run BI on a Server at home and currently 26 IP Cameras are "attached" to it. And currently I use the Web-GUI to view the feed of the cameras. The first question is: Is it a good idea? Or is there a way, I can use BI itself? There looks, like there is a feature like that in the App itself, but I have no idea, how to use it:

The second problem is:
How can I arrange the layout of the cameras? I can just move it around. And set up the sequence. But is there a way to set up a simple grid? And where the cameras will stay in the same order, if the resolution of the window is changing? Take a look at the screenshot attached. It looks like a mess. And I don't know how to optimize it in BI.



IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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First I have a general Question. I run BI on a Server at home and currently 26 IP Cameras are "attached" to it. And currently I use the Web-GUI to view the feed of the cameras. The first question is: Is it a good idea? Or is there a way, I can use BI itself? There looks, like there is a feature like that in the App itself, but I have no idea, how to use it:
View attachment 198317
That is for choosing a remote BI server to manage. "Local" is the one you're on (your "console") and is the default if no remote servers are set up.

This can be found in BI's built-in "Help" under "Remote Access" => "Remote Management".

The second problem is:
How can I arrange the layout of the cameras? I can just move it around. And set up the sequence. But is there a way to set up a simple grid? And where the cameras will stay in the same order, if the resolution of the window is changing? Take a look at the screenshot attached. It looks like a mess. And I don't know how to optimize it in BI.

View attachment 198318
By using the "Edit layout" button in the local console; also "All Cameras" is a "Group"....see the post below from @bp2008 , the developer of UI3:

This also can be found in BI's built-in "Help" under "Cameras" => "Camera Groups". There's a wealth of helpful info in "Help"....the big ? found at the upper left. :cool: