BlueIris Web UI3 error


Aug 24, 2021
I'm having difficulties with UI3 - if I log in (as I mostly do) with a "user" account rather than an admin account, if I need to do something which requires elevated privileges, I always get an error.

The error is in a big red strip down the right side of the window, but it is so big, I can't see the top. If I click on the error, it disappears.

I know that the credentials are correct for the admin user, because I can log out of the web UI and log back in using those same credentials. Any ideas anyone?

Funky, i have an LG Oled C7 tv and i used to be able to use it's own web browser to view the ui3 page but since the last update that doesn't work anymore.
Haven't been able to find a workaround yet.