Bulkhead fitting.


Young grasshopper
Dec 2, 2015
Where an I buy a bulkhead fitting for Cat6? I see a lot of bulkhead connector fittings, but I don't really want to add a plug I don't need, and degrade the signal. I passing cable through my eves. I plan to put a plastic junction box there, and I want to run the cables out of the junction box without cutting them and adding a connector.

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Do you mean what most here call "cable glands" or "cord grip fittings", like these below? Most available in white, some gray, many sizes for U.S. IPT, metric or British "G" sizes. You may have to Google a bit to find the MANY options.

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Thank you. Do you use the P7 or the P9? My wire diameter is 5.9mm +- .2mm. In fractions that's .2323"
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Thank you. Do you use the P7 or the P9? My wire diameter is 5.9mm +- .2mm. In fractions that's .2323"
Not knowing what box you intend to use I can't say...except U.S. boxes will likely be 1/2', 3/4" or 1" FIP (Female Iron Pipe) threads.
Thank you. Do you use the P7 or the P9? My wire diameter is 5.9mm +- .2mm. In fractions that's .2323"
I use the connector with the diameter rating a tad larger than the cable diameter for 2 reasons: 1) As you tighten the connector thre gland compresses onto the cable jacket and 2) If it won't compress enough wrap some self-vulcanizing rubber tape around your cable until it does compress tightly. Dress the cable the way you want it BEFORE you tighten it down, of course.