Bullet Ip Camera condensation inside of lens cover.


Jun 22, 2020
I keep getting condensation on the inside of the glass lens cover. The cover can not be removed. Is there anything that can be done to rectify and avoid this in the future. This is the 4 th camera it has happened to. Is there something that can be sprayed in the glass. Don’t think it’s due to rain getting inside as it’s only in one or two spots. The cameras are all in different locations that is has happened to and it isn’t drying up. I have had to replace 3 prior. This on I am hoping someone knows something to fix rather then sending it back. Thanks in advance for any help.


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Do you see condensation on the lens itself. That image looks more like infrared bounce than condensation.

Typical practice when installing them is to not go to temp extremes like a warm inside and then going and installing them when it is cold outside as that is how condensation starts. Depending on the temps, you may want to move them to different areas prior to installing like in the house, to the garage and then to outside.

But regardless, at least with the Dahua's, folks here have had success taking the lens off or the camera apart and replacing the silica pack in the camera.
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It’s not infared glare as I have the same problem during the day. I do some condensation on the glass of the lense on the inside. Little worried about opening it up and not being able to reconnect it together. Any ideas on anything I can spray on the glass that would help fix the issue. I am also going to try and putting it the the garage for a few days and reinstalling it
Is the condensation on the inside or outside of the camera lens?

If it is on the outside, you MAY get lucky with RainX, but if it is on the inside, nothing to put on the glass.

I would try to take it apart and get a silica pack in there. With Dahua, you can open up the compartment where the SD card and rest button are and can squeeze a small one in there or replace the existing one if it is there.

What I suspect is that a seal must be loose and some people have put caulk all around every location where pieces are coming together to prevent humidity from getting in. That would be what is causing it is the temp difference between outside and the hot temp of the camera is causing it to condensate.
I will try that out. Trying to avoid opening up the camera completely. Last one i did that to couldn’t get the connection inside back together and the glass broke when I was reasembling. Was surprised how delicate the glass was.
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ah the 20X3 serie had that problem. Theres nothing we could have done but replace the wrong ones. After hikvision factory machine was probably calibrated we noticed new shipment came with cameras that are no longer condensating.

Id suggest u ask for different model.