Camera for a unsupervised boat docked at a marina


Feb 11, 2020
Hi, first time poster here.

My brother has a sail boat docked at a Marina and would like to attach a camera to it to know if someone is messing with the boat. The marina has WiFi but I doubt they would let someone continuously stream to the cloud to record a video feed so here are the requisite:
  • Must be weather proof since it will be attached to the mast (I think that's what he wants anyway);
  • Must send snapshots to the cloud (once an hour is enough he says) unless a door is opened;
  • Must have at least one dry contact to be connected to a door so it starts recording at at least 15 fps for a few minutes to the cloud when the door is opened. I doubt motion detection would work here;
  • Must be low power since it will be fed by a solar panel/battery.

Does such a beast exists?
