Cameras not loading in app or ui3, but fine in ui2

Feb 7, 2017
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Hey, I've searched a little bit, but haven't found anything. I use bp2008's better web interface. I'm having some trouble viewing camera feeds through BI both locally and remotely.

- My Android BI app will login right away, show me the camera previews, but when I try to enlarge a feed or view a recording, I'm met with an infinite loading circle.
- UI3 will log in, and then never load the feeds.
- UI2 works perfectly fine.
- I can access the individual streams via VLC without any delay.
- The BI program itself works fine with enlarging feeds/recording/all that, and has been for 1.5 years.

I primarily use the android app, so this is detrimental to my typical BI usage.

This issue doesn't coincide with any update or change I've made to the BI machine or network. Everything is fully up to date. Any ideas?