Cams and internet connectivity at driveway gate


Pulling my weight
Feb 13, 2023
In a couple of other threads I had asked about a long outdoors network cable run (330 feet outdoors + 70 feet indoors to wiring center = 400 feet approx total) to a driveway gate, and camera location(s) at gate. The consensus was use FO for the networking run. The camera count clicked in at seven.

I’ve been looking at gate controls and this unit has been proposed:
Gate control

My first thought was that the above gate control could just connect to the cams PoE switch at the gate (there is power there).
However, the gate control needs web access to work as intended, and the point of the two-NIC Blue Iris PC is to isolate the cams PoE switch from the internet.
So the gate control would be isolated from the internet if connected to the cams PoE switch, which defeats the purpose of connecting it.
The only software related to the above gate control is an app that runs on mobile devices, so the set up is different from BI on a PC with two NICs.

How might I handle internet connectivity for the gate control?
Trying to avoid a monthly subscription based cellular connection, if possible.
Personally I don't think I'd want a "security gate" that MUST have Internet access.......LAN access okay but not Internet. :wtf:
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