Cannot get ONVIF on new Dahua IPC-T54IR-AS to work with BI........need advice on what I may be doing wrong


Getting the hang of it
Oct 15, 2015
Bought this camera from Andy @ Empiretech which setup quite easily. Trying to have BI pickup ONVIF alerts from camera and record via Intrusion rule I setup under IVS Smart Plan. By looking at the pics, can you spot anything I may have missed? I've got a Dahua PTZ and Color4K-T180 that are setup this way and BI picks up their ONVIF alerts just fine.
BI CAM3 Video Config.jpgBI CAM3 Video ONVIF.jpgBI Trigger Page 1.jpgBI Trigger Page 2.jpgBI Record Tab.jpgBI Alert Page 1.jpgBI Alert Page 2.jpgCAM3 Live.jpgCAM3 AI IVS.jpgCAM3 AI IVS Rule Top.jpgCAM3 AI IVS Rule Bottom.jpg


  • BI CAM3 Video Config.jpg
    BI CAM3 Video Config.jpg
    145.5 KB · Views: 0
That is a horrible overhead angle and not what the AI is designed for.

Are you sure the camera is actually triggering? Like you have an SD card in the camera and can play back the IVS triggers or you can watch someone go thru there and the box turns red around them?

If it is indeed triggering in the camera, then go back to BI and hit the find/inspect and post what the pop up window shows. Sometimes the ONVIF password gets wonky and that would show in that pop-up.
That is a horrible overhead angle and not what the AI is designed for.

Are you sure the camera is actually triggering? Like you have an SD card in the camera and can play back the IVS triggers or you can watch someone go thru there and the box turns red around them?

If it is indeed triggering in the camera, then go back to BI and hit the find/inspect and post what the pop up window shows. Sometimes the ONVIF password gets wonky and that would show in that pop-up.
I actually don’t have an SD card in the camera and when I go thru the marked area, the BI box does not turn red.

This is what it says when I do a find/inspect:
Opening port 80...
HTTP Get / request...
ONVIF GetSystemDateAndTime
Requesting device information...
Manufacturer: General
Model: IPC-T54IR-AS-2.8mm-S3
FirmwareVersion: 3.142.15OG000.0.R
Querying services
Has Imaging services: /onvif/imaging_service
Has media services: /onvif/media_service
Has RTP_RTSP_TCP, requesting profiles
profile token MediaProfile00000
profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_MainStream
profile source is 00000
profile source config is 00000
profile token MediaProfile00001
profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_SubStream1
profile source is 00000
profile source config is 00000
profile token MediaProfile00002
profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_SubStream2
profile source is 00000
profile source config is 00000
profile token MediaProfile00003
profile name MediaProfile_Channel1_SubStream3
profile source is 00000
profile source config is 00000
requesting URI for profile MediaProfile00000
RTSP URI: rtsp:/
requesting URI for profile MediaProfile00001
RTSP URI: rtsp:/
requesting URI for profile MediaProfile00002
RTSP URI: rtsp:/
requesting URI for profile MediaProfile00003
RTSP URI: rtsp:/
Has Event services: /onvif/event_service
Has WSPullPointSupport
RelayOutputs: 1
RelayOutput: 00000/Bistable/open
InputConnectors: 1
Has Device IO services: /onvif/deviceIO_service
AudioOutputs: 1
OK that is correct.

I mean watching the camera from the camera GUI with the IVS rules on - does the blue IVS box turn red and a red box show up around the person?

If not, then the camera is not triggering and thus BI won't trigger if using ONVIF triggers.
OK that is correct.

I mean watching the camera from the camera GUI with the IVS rules on - does the blue IVS box turn red and a red box show up around the person?

If not, then the camera is not triggering and thus BI won't trigger if using ONVIF triggers.
Sorry for my ignorance, I will check using the camera GUI and report back.
This guy had a similar angle but not as bad as yours and it wouldn't trigger or even draw a box around the person to start the AI analysis, so it wouldn't surprise me if yours doesn't trigger as that angle isn't how the AI was trained:

My 4k-T won't trigger IVS in corridor mode with a similar view. I have another camera that looks at the same area, but with normal horizontal setup, and I have that camera triggering the 4k-t so I have alerts (and main stream video ) from it.
I doubt you'll see a face with that angle, unless you trigger a noise that makes them look up..
Seems like the camera is just trying to detect a movement in that area and show you the top of the moving object..
Would a PIR sensor be more useful to trigger the camera. My wife won’t let me install another camera!
Lowering the camera is out of the question?

At that point I would probably just work on the BI motion settings instead of the camera AI.

PIR sensor may work, but I would get more false with it than just taking the time to dial in the motion settings.