Change the order of the cameras in NVR


Nov 27, 2018

In iVMS-4200 and iVMS-4500 how do I change the order of the cameras?

They are connected to a DS-7608NI-I2/8P

Is it how they physical are connected to the POE ports in the NVR?

Thank you!
I use custom view and use my first name to name the view. Two ways of putting a camera in the frame you want. The one I use is to click on the frame where I want to picture to go, that highlights it. Then double click on the camera I want in that frame. The cameras are listed on the lower left. The other is to "drag" the camera to the frame you want it in. I have 2 eight camera NVR's so I use 16 windows. I hope this helps. Oh, I have iVMS-4200.
Thanks for your reply. What i meant was the order of the cameras in the list in the lower left side in iVMS Main View.
I cannot find a way to do it in iVMS. It could be how they are connected to the POE ports, but I am not able to test it.
If I understand you correctly, yes the ports are in the order that the cameras are connect to them. So what ever camera is in port 1 for instance that is what will be displayed.