Checking In - WC Update


Known around here
Dec 9, 2018

It’s been a while, hope everyone is doing well.

I’ve been heads down working on a mix of global deployments and also a LOT of bug work, recommendations, working with Dahua etc trying to get the recent bugs and additions I’ve spoken about with NVR + S3 cams, in place. I'm pleased to see that the work is paying off with new FW releases now starting to come out. I'm also testing some additional ones that have features I requested on all of our behalf as part of my testing of the NVR's + S3 cams. More to come on this soon.

I will be posting the S3 bugs I identified and have taken to Dahua, along with some initial responses from the dev team so all are aware of where things are at with these.

On the 5x42 S3's I've put a lot of time into these in deployment scenarios and have had some very favorable caps, especially those which have been useful to LE including many plate caps, even paper. Thought I would share that oo.

I've also been doing a lot of work on Frigate as well, dialing in some systems, building VM rollouts with this and that's also been interesting to see how that middleware can be pushed and it is impressive.

In addition, I've been keeping an eye on what's being planned by a number of companies. I'll be looking at additional HW over the next few months and picking some more up, along with working with @EMPIRETECANDY and others on any specific models that all of us here would like to see or feel would be useful for me to put through their paces.

Lastly, I have seen a number of DM's as I've also been working to assist a large number with configuration of their systems. Rest assured that as always, if you DM'd me, I will be getting back to you. Re-ping me if you have an urgent question or need.

Again, hope all of you are doing well.