(Been drinking from the "fire hose" of this site lately)
In large room with 2 rows of 15 pews, assuming overview cams are used in conjunction with cams at entrance/exit points for identification. Several related questions.
For overview cams, use fixed or variable focal length cams? How many? Two in x-pattern in back? Add 1-2 up front?
With indoor room lighting, would 8 MP be preferred over 4 MP (ignoring storage requirements)?
Use full-color cams such as IPC-T549M-ALED-S3 (4 MP) or IPC-Color4K-T (8 MP)? Thinking full-color cams are for night time use so answer is probably no since planned usage would have room lights on. (Exception is a break-in which is lower priority.)
For identification cams, use something like IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 or IPC-T58IR-ZE-S3.
For narrow hallways/corridors, use IPC-E541F-E2-AS in the middle pointing opposite directions? Two of the four hallways have less-used outside doors and hoping this cam could do double duty (hallway + door).
Main entrance has 20'x30' lobby. Use variable focal length to zoom-in on door more or just position fixed length closer to door?
Outside, current plan is just for parking lot and not entire building perimeter. Single access point to parking lot. Single LPR cam for rear plates could be used if hidden in box just off the road but suspect preferred location by "management" is at carport/roof overhang (green cross). Would two LPR cameras be needed to cover carport and straight lane? Is IPC-HFW5241E-Z12E still the camera of choice for this close, low-speed application? Need to capture day and night.
Assuming another camera (no LPR) should be mounted at carport and pointed towards the street to observe/recognize a nefarious person not driving past carport.
For parking lot, imagine 3-4 cameras for overview, something like IIPC-B54IR-ZE-S3 or PC-B54IR-Z4E-S3? No PTZ based on spotter cam planned now. Only two cams with one 180 deg view cam on back of building and non-180 cam at carport to capture "side" parking lot? There are two light poles circled in red. Not sure how easy to run wires to them. They would seem to only make rear of parking lot closer and would probably increase cam count.
In large room with 2 rows of 15 pews, assuming overview cams are used in conjunction with cams at entrance/exit points for identification. Several related questions.
For overview cams, use fixed or variable focal length cams? How many? Two in x-pattern in back? Add 1-2 up front?
With indoor room lighting, would 8 MP be preferred over 4 MP (ignoring storage requirements)?
Use full-color cams such as IPC-T549M-ALED-S3 (4 MP) or IPC-Color4K-T (8 MP)? Thinking full-color cams are for night time use so answer is probably no since planned usage would have room lights on. (Exception is a break-in which is lower priority.)
For identification cams, use something like IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3 or IPC-T58IR-ZE-S3.
For narrow hallways/corridors, use IPC-E541F-E2-AS in the middle pointing opposite directions? Two of the four hallways have less-used outside doors and hoping this cam could do double duty (hallway + door).
Main entrance has 20'x30' lobby. Use variable focal length to zoom-in on door more or just position fixed length closer to door?
Outside, current plan is just for parking lot and not entire building perimeter. Single access point to parking lot. Single LPR cam for rear plates could be used if hidden in box just off the road but suspect preferred location by "management" is at carport/roof overhang (green cross). Would two LPR cameras be needed to cover carport and straight lane? Is IPC-HFW5241E-Z12E still the camera of choice for this close, low-speed application? Need to capture day and night.
Assuming another camera (no LPR) should be mounted at carport and pointed towards the street to observe/recognize a nefarious person not driving past carport.
For parking lot, imagine 3-4 cameras for overview, something like IIPC-B54IR-ZE-S3 or PC-B54IR-Z4E-S3? No PTZ based on spotter cam planned now. Only two cams with one 180 deg view cam on back of building and non-180 cam at carport to capture "side" parking lot? There are two light poles circled in red. Not sure how easy to run wires to them. They would seem to only make rear of parking lot closer and would probably increase cam count.