Computer Boot Hangs during Windows Update Auto-Restarts, No Problem from Start Menu or Power Loss Restarts


Jul 10, 2024
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Hey all!

I have a very frustrating problem and am at my wits end. My BI machine constantly hangs during automatic reboots from Windows Updates.

HP EliteDesk 800 G
Windows 10 Home

I have tried everything I can find to either stop the updates, stop the restarts, or just have the restart work, and so far no luck.

What it does right now is when Windows forces a restart, and only from the forced restarts, it hangs on the HP boot screen.

If until I pull the power and plug it back in the auto-restart hang is cleared.
It does not hang when restarted from the start menu.
The event log shows a restart due to Windows Update as the last thing before the problem every time.
It happens something like every 3-6 weeks, so presumably every forced update.

It is set in bios to restart on power loss, that works fine.
Bios has "Legacy Support Enable and Secure Boot Disable". If I don't have that set it has boot issues.
It has a monitor plugged in, which I don't want, but if I don't have that it would sometimes have boot issues. There is no setting for headless in my bios version.

I have tried everything I can find online for like 10 different methods of turning off updates over the last 2-3 years. Nothing has worked. I can't remember them all but lots of Windows setting, event handler, registry edits, you name it. The only one I have found that I have not been able to do is the group policy one since it is Windows Home.

I hate Windows.
I also hate that BI doesn't have a Linux build.

Any thoughts on what I can do?
My next thought is back everything up, buy a new Windows License, and do a clean install of Linux and a Windows in a VM. I don't really want to spend the time or $, but this is so frustrating. I hate Windows.

I like BI, but I might just get a hardware NVR. This headache isn't worth it.