Config Tool ...Account has been locked


Apr 23, 2019
I managed to enter my IP address range and only then did I see my camera. I'm trying to change the IP address from the default and somewhere along the line I had to select a new password. I then tried to change the Ip address, entered the correct subnet mask and gateway but got a "failed to config" . Now when I try to login I get the message "Account has been locked".

I now have found the Config Tool login page but on trying to login it tells me that only letters and numbers are allowed for the password but I had been able to make a new password that contained the underline character! So now I cannot use admin admin or my new user name and password.

How can i start again?
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Update: I opened up the camera that had been used when I altered the password and pressed the reset button for 30 seconds. I was surprised when the focus ran to the end and it took four attempts getting the software to refocus it. Anyhow all is now back to default and I now must retry to change the IP address of all cameras.