Configure camera for web access?


Young grasshopper
May 21, 2014
Pretty unsophisticated here with networking, particularly on how to enable a camera for direct access via the web.

I bought a mini IP cam a few months ago, similar to the TOP-201 Super Mini, but different firmware.


Trying to get it to work with Blue Iris, it wouldn't. I emailed Blue Iris support, they needed to be able to access the camera over the web to figure out how to make it work with their product.

I must confess, I don't know how to proceed. Here are screen shots of the firmware with the networking options:

minicamfirmware2.jpg minicamfirmware1.jpg

I have an Asus RTN66U router.

Any guidance here would be much appreciated.


Read the post above by Fenderman, downloaded ONVIF Device Manager and figured it out by watching the video, it's running in Blue Iris now. Sweet!

BUT: If anyone has the inclination to point me in the direction of how I would go about putting the camera up for direct web access I'd be interested to learn about that.
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