Constant trigger and feed image freezing.

Apr 18, 2023
Reaction score
Winchester, VA
I am trying to fix a couple problems. My cam system had been working well until a month ago when these problems started. I hope I can get some help on this as I am about to pull my hair out.

First, when a cam triggers it remains triggered.
Once a camera is triggered it remains triggered until I change the profile. The orange triggered box is around the camera view and you can see the constant trigger in the timeline. No notifications from alerts are passed during that time. This goes on for hours. I have tried numerous things to fix this. This is only happening to my 4 outdoor cameras, the 3 interior cameras remain unaffected. Maximum trigger time is 60 seconds on one, 30 on others. ONVIF is off in triggers. I've tried database reindex and repair. I have tried changing various trigger settings. I thought it was maybe staying triggered because of the time overlay from the camera, so I removed that from the zone. I have tried rolling back to a previous version.

Second, sometimes when a trigger event occurs the live video image in BI freezes on a few cameras.
This doesn't happen every time there is a trigger. I've only seen it happen 3 times. The camera's settings report "Frame Bottleneck". However, the steam details (FPS, MP, etc) on the camera properties continues to move. The timeline showing black (no video) for the frozen cameras. The RTSP feed is still active on the cameras and can be viewed by directly connecting to them in a web browser. The cameras will eventually unfreeze and the time line will go from black to filled up. BI had been recording the feed during the entire image freeze.

I am using continuous sub + Alerts. No hardware accelerated decode. Codeproject ai for alerts. The logs from both problems show no errors.

Some info on the hardware:
Version: Release x64 (7/15/2024)
OS: Windows 10 Pro
CPU,GPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz [31%,0%]
RAM: 847.6MB/15.8GB
Clips: 146736 items, 11627/12050GB
Storage: N: +955.0GB

Exterior cams:
EmpireTech SD4A425DB-HNY 4mp
EmpireTech IPC-T5442TM-AS 1/1.8 CMOS 4MP x2
EmpireTech IPC-T5442T-ZE 1/1.8" CMOS 4MP

Interior cameras:
EmpireTech IPC-T5442T-ZE 1/1.8" CMOS 4MP x3

Cameras are connected to a CISCO WS-C3560C-12PC-S 12 PORT POE+ switch 10/100 ports. That is then connect to the BI computer via fiber adapter to a Realtek GbE at 1.0Gbps.
Relevant screen shots below. Let me know if you need others:

Various settings:
Camera status:
BI Camera status.JPG

Video settings:
BI Video settings.JPG

Trigger settings:
BI Trigger 3.JPG

Motion settings:

Constant trigger examples (first problem):
Timeline showing constant trigger. On the right side there was a trigger around 4:45 and continued triggering until I changed the profile:
BI Timeline.JPG

Trigger clip. Video clips are set to 1 hour, this one is 4 hours, 51 minutes:
BI Alert 2.JPG

Log from those triggers:
BI Log triggered.JPG

View frozen examples (second problem):
Live view frozen w/ frame bottle neck. Only the lower right cam is still showing live. Notice the times:
BI Bottleneck.JPG

Timeline during freeze:
BI Freeze 2.JPG


