Coyote Stalking A Deer


Known around here
Sep 14, 2015
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For the last couple of weeks a Doe and her small Fawn have been seen daily around our house. I saw them again last night. After seeing this video from earlier today, I hope they are still okay.



IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Yeah, I hope that fawn is OK too, A similar situation is why that, for the last 6 years out of the 12 that I've lived here, I carry my 9mm Bersa with me when I set the garbage cans out on Tuesday mornings.

Before then, I was in my pajamas, taking out the 2 cans and I sat 1 down at the end of the driveway, turned around and headed back to the house. From behind I could hear something coming up the hill, on the asphalt, 'bleeting' kind of like a small lamb or goat. I spun around and here comes this fawn, still covered with spots, coming up the hill. It passed directly in front of me, moving from left to right, about 15 feet away. Then I saw more movement to my left and the reason why the fawn was running for it's life....a coyote running right behind. The coyote was so focused on it's prey I don't think it saw me standing there motionless and had not caught wind of me either. The only think I could do was simultaneously yell a very loud "HEY" , cup my hands and clap one VERY loud clap (I learned many years ago how to clap once VERY loud). The 'yote stopped, looked at me (he's standing about 12 feet from me!) and the fawn turned and headed across the front lawn. Then the 'yote figured I was no threat and continued his pursuit. The fawn met the doe in the front and followed her into the woods as did the 'yote. I have no idea about the outcome. We have many fawn-doe sightings, does with 2 fawns, etc. I hope she kicked the 'yote in the head which is what I hoped for.

Anyway, now my 9mm is in my free hand when I take the cans down. I'm hope the situation doesn't arise again (and it has not in 6 years) but if I have to I have 15 chances to hit the 'yote. I know he's just doing what he's supposed to but he has plenty of other places to do it...just not in front of me.

P.S. - I'm out in the middle of a forest on 6-1/2 acres, surrounded by LOTS of trees.
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Getting the hang of it
May 2, 2017
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Sweet shot! Love the back yard views too