creating a test rig


Dec 28, 2024
SW Idaho
I read several threads that suggested a test rig. I appreciate the suggestion as it lead me to change several camera positions and even the type of camera in an area.

So, I've seen some test rigs in the forums that were very effective. Being the person I am, I had to take a twist on what had been done.

I have a CNC machine (very small) that needed something to do and this mount seemed like the perfect use.

The mount is a 2 x 4 scrap with an area routed out to accommodate a large(ish) U bolt that would allow me to fasten the camera to a pole.. I also drilled out a hole for the cables to pass through.
I found that when the 2x4 was mounted, even with the spacer block, there wasn't enough room to pass the connectors through, so I has to enlarge the exit hole.
Although I probably should have just used the recess in the camera mount to pass the wires out, but when you have a CNC, it's just as easy to make another hole...
After all, when you give a kid a hammer, the rest of the world is a nail....

I realize that not everyone has an antenna roof mount available to put the pole on, but the picture should provide ideas for a portable, extendable temporary test rig.
Depending on the length of the pole I could reach the eaves of the single story house I live in. The building in the picture, is a shed, not my house. They only dilemma is if the wind is blowing, the camera will sway.

Below are pictures of the test rig
