D-Link DCS-4701E - Fixed file name for FTP snapshots


Feb 21, 2018

Page 40 and 41 of the above manual SEEMS TO IMPLY if one leaves the "Add date and time suffix to file" checkbox UNCHECKED, the camera will create snapshots with JUST THE FILE NAME PREFIX.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

This thread for a similar product seems to indicate a bug in the firmware:
"Add date and time suffix to file name" has no affect

I want to be able to upload a snapshot via FTP with the SAME FIXED FILE NAME so as to overwrite any existing snapshot.

If the 4701 is not capable of this, does D-Link offer an outdoor PoE camera that is?
Does ANY camera vendor?

It does sound like a bug or shortfall in the D-Link firmware....

If your desire, as for the poster in the linked thread, is to create web access to the latest image then you could try the IP Camera FTP server service that I'm developing.
This does not care that the filenames are different and will automatically delete stale images to maintain your storage quota. You will also have the benefit of a browseable back history.

Sharing your latest images will make the most recent picture publically available at an address that you can embed in a website
e.g. for the bird feeder demo account:


Service is currently free while in development. If it proves viable then subscriptions will be comparable to the electricity cost of running a DVR 24x7.

Feel free to create an account at
