Dahua cameras and NVR. Too many false-positive alerts and not sure how to see cameras when away from house


Nov 30, 2020
I tried to figure this all out and was lost.

my cameras pick up anything and everything that moves. On a windy day, I was getting thousands of motion alerts each day.

is there a way to change the settings so that I do not get so many alerts and that it alerts me to real movement?

How do I set it up so that I can see my cameras when away from my house? As it stands now, I have to be home to see through my cameras.

Thank you
have to check what kind of cams you are using and setting, new SMD down the wrong alarms a lot now. But this is on some 3,4,5 series models.
If your are using a Motíom Detection, must set IT Up properly . Not for whole picture,but need disable some places with high motion (threes).In the settings of a MD you have this option.
If you have Actual model od NVR use a SMD Smart motion detection to cut down ďalšie alarms

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