At least you were warned LOL. Yeah it strips the features tremendously.
Normally we suggest that people can use the NVR as a POE switch of sorts to feed the camera to BI, but in this case, it would just send the video.
I would assume that either you assigned an IP address to the camera or the NVR did?
You would need to find the IP address of the camera and then disconnect it from the NVR POE port and provide power to the camera via wall wart or POE switch or POE injector.
Then put your computer on the same IP subnet as the camera and then give the free BI demo a try.
You would select ADD CAMERA and then type in IP address, username, password and hit find/inspect and let BI do its thing.
To bring the AI of the camera into BI, you would do the following:
Go into the camera GUI and set up smart plan with IVS, then go to the IVS screen and draw IVS rules (tripwire or intrusion box) and then select the AI you want it to trigger on (human or vehicle).
Make sure MD and SMD are turned off in the camera GUI.
Then in BI, there are a few places you need to set this up in BI (assuming you already set up the IVS rules in the camera GUI):
In Camera configure setting check the box "Get ONVIF triggers".
Find/Inspect on the camera setting to pull the coding for the triggers. Make sure to re-enable substreams.
Go into Motion Setting and select the "
Cameras digital input" box OR "
ONVIF/CAMERA EVENTS" based on which BI version you have.
Turn off BI Motion Detection (uncheck Motion Sensor) if you don't want to use it:
On the Alerts tab uncheck the Motions Zones tab (those are alerting you to any BI motion in those areas in Zones A thru H) and select ONVIF and External check boxes.
On the "On alert..." actions, select how you want to be alerted (email, push, SMS, etc.)
This will use the AI of the camera and not the motion detection within BI.